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Session and Sail
Sessions and Sail is a musical themed voyage sailing on the 102 foot Brigantine Lady of Avenel.
What is Session and Sail?
Sessions and Sail is a musical themed voyage sailing on the 102 foot Brigantine Lady of Avenel. Following a successful voyage last year we have two amazing weeks for you in 2019 – The Orkney Islands and Wester Ross, Skye.
The trips will combine sailing a Brigantine with musical tuition, performances, workshops and sessions with renowned musicians.
Players of Scottish music whether beginner intermediate or advanced are encouraged to sail with us as we embark on a journey of tunes, songs and sailing.
Led by Square Rig captain and Shetland fiddler Barry Nisbet
Further information and booking:
Also see Facebook page @sessionsandsail and choose Upcoming Events
Please contact Barry Nisbet at: for further information

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